Wednesday 3 February 2010

Sermon on the Mount

'The Sermon on the Mount is intimidating Scripture and a standard of perfection I usually saw as unrealistic and unattainable. Probably like most believers, I never expected to see very much fulfillment of it in the lives of leaders and ministers, much less in my own circle of experience. In fact, it was discouraging to ask teachers I knew too many questions concerning the Sermon as I was so often told to be practical and that these teachings don't quite mean what I thought they meant. Perhaps no scriptures have been "watered down" as much as these, so grand and glorious is the picture they paint of the righteousness in the power of the Holy Spirit, sustained by the unquenchable, everlasting, burning flame of the life of God Himself...

'Still, in my own experience, the lofty flights of spirituality I had heard and dreamed of seemed out of reach. And even years of academic specialization in biblical studies and theology did not seem to bring me much closer to a hope of walking in the glorious liberty of life in the Spirit as Jesus described in the Gospels. In my case, I needed encouragement. I needed a real-life example of Jesus living in someone to such an extent that I would be inspired and motivated to consider living the Sermon as not only realistic but also the only viable way to approach life and ministry in the Lord.'

Rolland Baker in the Forward to Heidi Bakers book, Compelled by Love.

This passage, that I read four months ago, has stayed with me ever since. The whole book was fantastic. Call it unrealistic, but have you ever wondered what life would look like if you really gave someone your shirt when they asked for your coat, or walked with them two miles when they asked you for one... by no means, I'm sad to say, does this reflect my life at present. But I am again inspired that we should aim no lower.

I pet 2:21-23 (NLT) "Follow in his steps... He did not retaliate when he was insulted. When he suffered, he did not threaten to get even. He left his case in the hands of God." Do we entrust ourselves to God, justice, mercy?? wow.

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